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Thursday, February 10, 2011


A group of nine people including myself traveled to Venice for a day trip last Saturday and it was MAGNIFICENT. Wow, I did not see one thing that was not beautiful, intriguing, or quaint. We saw St. Mark's Square and went inside the church and did some looking around in the Gucci, Prada, Chanel, and Farrari stores. We saw a ton of mask shops while we were wandering around getting lost (the best thing to do in Venice) and so a few people bought masks for carnevale which is the popular festival starting up the last week of February and 1st week of march. (I will be going to a ball during carnevale in march so I'll let you know more about what that is later!). It was very cold while we were there--all the water makes it freezing during winter!--so we didn't take any boat tours or gondola rides. I'll save that for a warmer day. But overall, it was a great day wandering into cafes, gelaterias, and pizzerias and walking over zillions of tiny bridges crossing the waterways. The Rialto Bridge was especially amazing to see at night when we were heading back to the train station--this bridge is huge and it has stores on it and everything is lit up at night. I was surprised how walkable everything was--we saw a very large portion of the city in the one day we were there so I was happy to have familiarized myself--although it is inevitable you will get lost :) But after all, that is the whole point of going to Venice right?

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