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Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today, a few students and I had the afternoon off from class after lunch so we headed to Castelcucco. Castelcucco is a small town like Paderno that is about a 30 min walk from our campus. Sidewalks are unpredictable in Italy so some of the way there was no sidewalk and we had to steer clear of crazy Italian drivers. But it was a very nice day and we got some good pictures of the scenery.

Once we got to the town, we found out the gelateria was closed until 3:00 (most stores close a couple hours in the afternoon for lunch). So we went to a nearby bar and had cappuccino and espresso. Then we went to the gelato place called "illy" and ordered some great flavors. I had one scoop of frutti di bosco (wildberry) and one of limone (lemon). So good! They also served all sorts of different cakes and pastries as you can see in the photo. Then we found a little "supermercado" and got a few things and walked back to campus. Overall, a great afternoon. Tomorrow night we are taking a trip to Asolo where the graduate student campus is. Asolo is known for its wealth and rich history (there is a castle!). Can't wait to see it :)

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